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Reliable electronic solders and cored solder wire

Reducing PCB damage and extending solder tip life
Reliable electronic solders and cored solder wire

Reliable electronic solders and cored solder wire
AIM solder will be exhibiting their high reliable alloys and cored wire solders at SMTconnect. Source: AIM Solder

AIM Solder, a global manufacturer of solder assembly materials for the electronics industry, is pleased to announce their participation at SMTconnect, scheduled to take place at the NürnbergMesse Exhibition Center in Nüremberg, Germany. The company will highlight its REL electronic solders and its new RX18 and CX18 cored solder wire.

REL22 is a high reliability alloy developed to address reliability and production quality issues common to similar multi-element alloys. Both internal and customer testing has proven that it improves product survival in extreme thermal exposure operating environments, such as under-hood automotive, avionics/aerospace and LED lighting. REL61 is ideally suited for industries which require a cost-effective alternative to SAC305 with no loss of processing performance or durability. It provides significant advantages over other no-low silver alloys by offering better flow characteristics at lower temperatures, thus reducing PCB damage and assembly costs.

The company will also feature its new cored solder wires, RX18 and CX18. The RX18 is engineered for automated soldering and promotes thermal transfer, fast wetting and reduces voids/skips. With an operator friendly, low odor/smoke formula, CX18 extends the solder tip life and leaves clear, minimal residues. 

SMTconnect, Booth 4–330


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