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Programming multi-PCB panel assemblies

Programming multi-PCB panel assemblies

Programming multi-PCB panel assemblies
FlashRunner Quattro ist the latest development from SMH, the specialist for in-system programming. It is a high-integration in-system gang programmer, based on the FlashRunner patented technology whichis especially characterized by an extremely high programming speed. FlashRunner Quattro is designed for programming multi-PCB panel assemblies. It offers four fully parallel in-System programming channels. Each of these four main channels can be multiplexed to 2 or 4 ISP channels (for a total of 8 and 16 ISP channels, respectively). As well as all other FlashRunner models FR Quattro can also be easily integrated into all ATE systems. FlashRunner Quattro is controllable by a host PC or ATE through RS-232, Ethernet or parallel control lines. It is available in three different models, to best suit different gang programming needs 4 ISP channels system (4 true parallel channels), no ISP channel multiplexing; 8 ISP channels system (4 parallel channels, each multiplexable to 2 channels, with galvanic isolation); 16 ISP channels system (4 parallel channels, each multiplexable to 4 channels).

FlashRunner Quattro can receive and execute commands in two ways:Over the RS-232 or Ethernet connection and via “scripts” stored in its SD card. In the first case, the system is controlled by a host system (e.g. Windows HyperTerminal). In the latter case, it works in standalone mode and is fully autonomous.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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