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PBT Works s.r.o.: Cleaning machine with unique features

Optimizing the spray-in-air process
PBT Works s.r.o.: Cleaning machine with unique features

New development from PBT Works s.r.o. has brought a cleaning machine, with new possibilities. The motivation for such innovations in PCBA architecture is changing due to a growing percentage of small and very small chip components and BTC components on PCBAs, which have small gaps under the package.

Cleaning under components with gaps less than 20 μm is a challenge. It requires a new approach to optimize the spray-in-air process.

HyperSwash can change nozzle configuration upon solubility of flux residues. For most difficult PCBA geometries and hard to clean flux residues, it uses direct spray against surface. For easy soluble flux residue, it can use another nozzle assembly with tangential direction of spray beam to the assemblies and baskets for higher PCBA loading capacity. The changeover of spray system needs less than 10 min.

The design of baskets or frames for loading/unloading into the machine enables easy robotization.

The machine works in closed-loop for washing and both independent rinsing systems. The amount of fresh water refilling is programmable. The machine can have an automatic adaptive cleaning liquid dosing system, maintaining the programmed cleaner density.

The control system, running under Windows 10, is fully connectable to factory LAN system. Data logging of all process parameters as well as traceability data storing in the memory of the control system, or external factory disk, are integral parts of the system.

Besides that, easy to read continuous graphical visualization of all parameters helps the maintenance to predict necessary activities and watch for any irregularities in the process.

This new cleaning machine is optimal for small and middle-size OEM and CEMs with a very wide assortment of different projects. However, with parallel run of several such systems, high capacity assembly cleaning process can be covered, including the advantage of flexibility, low energy and water/waste water consumption.

productronica, Booth A4–129


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