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Next generation solder fountain technology

Next generation solder fountain technology

Next generation solder fountain technology
The European Union’s RoHS Legislation exempting server, storage array and network infrastructure equipment is set to expire in 2014. The iNEMI (International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative) 2013 Technology Roadmap cites lead-free rework of plated-through-hole (PTH) components on these large, high thermal mass assemblies as one of the key challenges facing the electronics industry. Solder fountain technology, which has been the industry standard for reworking tin-lead and low complexity lead-free applications for over forty years, lacks the capability to rework these significantly more challenging assemblies, even when low dissolution solder alloys are used. The PCBRM100 is next generation solder fountain technology designed specifically for lead-free rework of PTH components on large, high thermal mass assemblies. In development and Beta testing for three years, the system provides the ability to rework large, high thermal mass assemblies using proprietary technology that significantly reduces copper dissolution. It is a large machine compared to the traditional mini-pot with a footprint measuring 120 inches long by 52 inches deep by 77 inches high.

24”x26” fixtureless board holder with adjustable center supports, ergonomic load/unload, tilt up access, spring loaded arms for thermal expansion and programmable “X” and “Z” axes. EZ-Line Alignment System features a down-looking digital camera with zoom lens mounted on a programmable “Y” axis that superimposes the image of the solder stack over the top side of the board. X/Y joystick controls provides fast, accurate alignment. 28”x28” Quartz composite top and bottom IR preheater (16Kw) with 25watts per square inch heating density, independent temperature control and programmable “Z” axes. A thermocouple attached to the board provides temperature-based preheating for process repeatability. Cast iron solder pot with 90 pound solder capacity, servo-motor driven titanium pump with programmable “Y” axis, internal chambering for laminar flow and thermal uniformity, nitrogen inerted, titanium solder stacks and quick electrical disconnects. Top and bottom Focused Convective Heating (FCH) makes the PCBM100 truly unique. After the board is preheated, it moves automatically to a position just above the solder wave. A nozzle in the hot gas head with programmable Z-axis heats the component from the top side, while two universal heating blades heat the component leads from the bottom. The FCH stage reduces the required solder contact time by over 50%, which significantly reduces copper dissolution. After the component is removed, the board remains in place and continues to be heated by the bottom side convective blades. The barrel cleaning nozzle applies heat and vacuum to remove the solder. Force-controlled touch off is followed by non-contact solder removal using the X/Y joystick controls.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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