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Tergo vapor degreasing cleaning fluids

Removing greases, oils and contaminants
MicroCare introduces new vapor degreasing cleaning fluids

MicroCare introduces new vapor degreasing cleaning fluids
The company says the new fluid offers exceptional cleaning benefits, effectively removing heavy greases, silicone oils, and challenging organic contaminants from metals, alloys, composites, and some plastics Source: MicroCare

MicroCare, manufacturer of fluids and tools for critical cleaning applications, has expanded its precision cleaning fluid line with the introduction of new Tergo vapor degreasing cleaning fluids.

One standout of the lineup is the Tergo XCF2 Specialty Cleaning Fluid, Flux Remover and Degreaser. The company says it offers exceptional cleaning benefits, effectively removing heavy greases, silicone oils, and challenging organic contaminants from metals, alloys, composites, and some plastics. Its high, 100 Kb value cleaning power ensures thorough heavy degreasing and flux removal, while its low surface tension and high liquid density make it ideal for particle displacement and as a carrier fluid for fluorinated polymers, oils, and greases.

The fluid also excels as a drying agent after hydrocarbon or alcohol cleaning, and is a superior replacement for HCFCs, HFEs, nPB, Perc, TCE, and other solvents like 3M Novec 71DA, 72DA and Solvay Solvokane. It is thermally and hydrolytically stable, non-flammable, non-corrosive, and has an extremely low Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 1 and a zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP). It is PFAS-free under current United States and European definitions.

“Our new Tergo cleaning fluids are formulated to offer comparable, if not enhanced, performance to the 3M Novec solvents, which are known for their performance and reliability,“ said Tom Tattersall, CEO of MicroCare. „We are committed to providing our customers with high-quality alternatives that maintain the integrity of their cleaning processes without causing major disruptions to their processes or budgets.“

Fast drying and recoverable by simple distillation, it is compatible with ultrasonics, making it versatile for critical cleaning applications in aerospace and medical industries. This specialty solvent blend is suitable for both open-top and vacuum vapor degreasers, providing exceptional material compatibility and efficiency.

The non-water-based vapor degreasing fluids integrate seamlessly into existing equipment and processes, requiring minimal adjustments. These nonflammable fluids ensure chemical stability and enhanced safety during usage and storage.

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