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Mek launches desktop AOI system for larger PCBs

Selective 3D desktop AOI systems with new chassis
Mek launches desktop AOI system for larger PCBs

Mek launches desktop AOI system for larger PCBs
The new chassis design ensures that it meets the demands of inspecting larger PCBs with efficiency and precision Source: Mek

Mek (Marantz Electronics), a leader in Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) and Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) technology, has launched its latest product, the PowerSpector JSAz 550. This new selective 3D desktop AOI system is a larger L-size model, capable of accommodating Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) up to 550x550mm (21.7”x21.7”).

The PowerSpector JSAz 550 features a completely redesigned chassis, which includes upgraded motors, drives, and spindles. While the optics and software remain consistent with the company’s other desktop models, the new chassis design ensures that it meets the demands of inspecting larger PCBs with efficiency and precision.

The AOI system is designed for maximum defect coverage while maintaining short programming times. It is the only desktop AOI machine on the market that can be equipped with nine cameras: one top and eight side cameras, offering ultimate flexibility and future upgrade possibilities. The revolutionary selective 3D laser measurement technology ensures accurate and reliable height measurements.

The series is optimized for Surface Mount Technology (SMT) with a top clearance of 30mm, side cameras with 10µ resolution, and four-angle lighting. It accommodates taller Through-Hole Technology (THT) components with a top clearance of 60mm, larger field of view side cameras, and 15µm resolution, ensuring optimal meniscus profiling without sacrificing the maximum inspection area.

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