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Manual heavy wire bonder for lower end

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Manual heavy wire bonder for lower end

Manual heavy wire bonder for lower end
The manual and semi-automatic heavy wire bonder 5350 from F&K Delvotec, Austria rounds out the equipment range at the lower end and combined a fully programmable, linear Z axis of 60 mm stroke with a motorized Y axis of 4 mm travel. Together they allow the operator to manually produce loops of any size and shape. The cutting motion with step-back, cutting and tear-off is done automatically and reproducible. In addition, several height levels are programmable which, depending on the pre-selected work mode, are stepped through under program control. This allows executing defined reverse loops and other loop shapes simply and quickly. Hard- and software featuring the popular shuttle wheel work just like in the sister models of the 53XX series. The 5350 processes aluminium wires from 100 to 500 µm and even heavy aluminium ribbons of 2000 x 200 µm, all from 4” standard spools. Bond tools, wire guides and cutters are all identical to those used in the automatic bonders, making ramp-up to higher production volumes no problem at all. Siggy Seidl, General Manager, identifies the target market as laboratories and pilot productions or even repair shops and R&D departments – all of them low-volume users who may produce heavy wire bonds only on occasion but still require highest quality.

Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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