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Magnalytix expands testing capabilities

Third-party SIR testing
Magnalytix expands testing capabilities

Magnalytix expands testing capabilities
The company calls itself a one-stop shop for all SIR-related services, offering an end-to-end solution for customers Source: Magnalytix

Magnalytix, US-based provider of reliability solutions for electronics manufacturing, has expanded its testing capabilities. The company says it now features the largest number of testing units in the industry, enabling it to provide unmatched testing capacity and turnaround times, and deliver comprehensive reports essential for third-party quality management program validation.

“As the industry leader, Magnalytix has the most testing chambers available to produce the quickest testing turnaround, providing objective evidence through a comprehensive range of testing services including SIR, IC, and IC + C3 testing,” the company said in a press release.

SIR testing services expansion

Its comprehensive SIR testing services use advanced instrumentation to detect ionic contamination and evaluate the reliability of board assemblies. Through this, the company provides accurate reporting of flux residue corrosiveness and its impact upon the functionality of electronic components, surface mount electrochemical reliability, climatic reliability of finished products, and more.

“With our expanded, extensive capabilities, we’re now able to offer customers complete and comprehensive results faster,” said Mike Bixenman, PhD, and CTO/VP at the company. “This allows us to deliver faster, more comprehensive results, helping manufacturers enhance their quality and process controls and meet stringent industry standards. The difference is that customers not only receive a comprehensive report, but they also benefit from the experience and explanation behind it, backed by years of expertise.”

The comprehensive SIR testing reports generated are critical for manufacturers seeking third-party validation for their QMPs, ensuring the reliability and integrity of their electronic products. With the company’s expanded capabilities, customers are assured of the accuracy, efficiency, and completeness of the testing process.

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