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Low-temperature cure electrically conductive adhesive

Ideal for temperature sensitive applications
Low-temperature cure electrically conductive adhesive

Low-temperature cure electrically conductive adhesive
This adhesive is designed for die attach and general circuit assembly applications. Source: Engineered Material Systems

Engineered Material Systems, a supplier of electronic materials for circuit assembly applications, has recently introduced the CA-183 low temperature cure electrically conductive adhesive. The low cost, flexible adhesive is designed for die attach and general circuit assembly applications.

This adhesive cures in 60 minutes at 80 °C, 20 minutes at 100 °C or 30 seconds at 150 °C with an electrical conductivity of 9 x 10–4 ohm-cm. This material is ideal for applications where the components are temperature sensitive and require high conductivity interconnects. It has a 48-hour work-life and a 26,000 cP viscosity at 5rpm for easy needle dispensing or application by pin transfer. The adhesive was developed to pass the rigorous reliability requirements in die attach, disk drive, camera module, photonics and circuit assembly applications.


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