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Live demo of ABchimie conformal coatings at productronica

Cleaning and protection solutions
Live demo of ABchimie conformal coatings at productronica

Live demo of ABchimie conformal coatings at productronica
The ABchimie746E UV is a great protection of the components, as it doesn‘t crack under various climate conditions. Source: ABchimie

ABchimie offers great cleaning and protection solutions to the electronics industry for electronic assemblies and has 6 years of industrial experience in UV LED technology. The company will be presenting a live demo during productronica on a conformal coating system.

The ABchimie 746E UV LED is the latest innovative system and cures at the usual thickness (around 100 microns). Its softness guarantees a good adhesion on PCBA, an excellent protection of the components and also no cracking or delamination under climatic conditions.

ABchimie will be also presenting ABchimie 42K UV LED, which is a soft one component resin, flexible with high viscosity, which cures quickly (in a few seconds) under UV from LED lamps. It does not contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and is deposited on a wide variety of substrates (PCBAs, plastics, etc.). It provides protection against ambient humidity and is used as electrical insulation. 

Formulation, production, research and development are their core business activities. Not only does the company offer conformal coatings encapsulation and potting solutions, but they also have cleaning and service aids for applications.

productronica, Booth A2–158


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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