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Lead-free, no-clean solder paste

Lead-free, no-clean solder paste

Lead-free, no-clean solder paste
SN100C is a lead-free no-clean solder paste Photo: Nihon Superior
Nihon Superior Co. Ltd., a supplier of advanced soldering materials to the global market, exhibited at the IPC Apex Expo and showcased the SN100C P506 D4 lead-free, no-clean solder paste and Alconano Nano-Silver paste. The reliability of SN100C has been proven in a wide range of electronics assembly products. The alloy delivers a silver-free stable microstructure that can accommodate the long-term and impact strains to which a solder joint can be subjected. The eutectic character of the alloy and the associated high fluidity provides faster wetting and increased spreadability over SAC305, which is beneficial in wave soldering and hand soldering applications as well as in reflow.

SN100C P506 D4 is a lead-free (Sn-Cu-Ni-Ge) no-clean solder paste that can be stored at room temperature for more than 150 days without deterioration. This new material will not only simplify stock management, but also improve productivity with excellent consecutive printability.
Alconano Nano-Silver Paste is based on a patented technology that makes it possible to effectively join most metals as well as Si and SiC at low sintering temperatures, if necessary in Nitrogen, without the nitrous or sulphurous residues that are the by-products of the sintering of conventional nano-silver pastes. The highly active surface of the nano-silver particles and the consequent strong capillary forces makes it possible to achieve strong bonds with high electrical and thermal conductivity at low temperatures without the need for external pressure.
Nihon Superior offers a range of products that offer solutions for some of the challenges the electronics industry is now facing, including lead-free die attach, void minimization, environmental protection and process yields.
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