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Juki’s ideal manufacturing line at productronica

Automating manual processes
Juki’s ideal manufacturing line at productronica

Juki’s ideal manufacturing line at productronica
The RS-1R now has a dynamic height, 8 nozzle placement head that adjusts pick-and-placement height automatically. Source: Juki Automation Systems GmbH

Juki Automation Systems GmbH, a provider of automated assembly products and systems, will highlight the RS-1R and JM-100 as well as the smart production at productronica.

RS-1R will be on display at the show. In the past, the placement head had to be mounted high enough for the tallest component on the PCBA, resulting in excess movement for short components. Now, the RS-1 features the Takumi head.

This is a dynamic height, 8 nozzle placement head that automatically adjusts pick-and-placement height on-the-fly to optimize speed, resulting in the highest possible CPH. With the new offline teach camera and JaNets/NPI plus software, the RS-1 provides easy data entry for faster programming for both standard SMT and odd-form parts.

The JM-100 odd-form inserter automates the manual insertion process and is the advanced model for larger/heavier components and larger boards. The system can place or insert surface mount and through-hole components. The JM100 accommodates multiple types of feeders with the widest component range in the electronics industry.

Additionally, the company will demonstrate the RX-7R, AOI, G-Titan, Offline Programming Station, ISM 3600 and Autoload Feeder. The new G-Titan Screen Printer is equipped for lights-out manufacturing and quality print control, which sustains optimal print conditions.

productronica, Booth A3–141


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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