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Jetting technology to increase productivity

Solution for dual head dispensing
Jetting technology to increase productivity

ITW EAE, the Electronic Assembly Equipment division of ITW, released two notable option for the Camalot Prodigy dispensing system at productronica.

Dynamic Dual Head (DDH) offers a double dispense speed while maintaining the highest level of accuracy for both dispense pumps. The patented design corrects for part to part rotation in “real-time” allowing synchronous dispensing of both pumps. It increases productivity with no sacrifice to yield and is compatible with jetting and needle-based pump technologies.

NuJet is the latest jetting technology from Camalot that is positioned to live up to its description of “compact, fast and flexible”. It eliminates the use of a needle and incorporates a pneumatic actuator that generates an operating frequency of up to 300 Hz. Controlling the piston with a pneumatic actuator and closed-loop software achieves a high degree of accuracy and repeatability for consistent process results.

“Key drivers in the design of NuJet, were ease of use and reduced cost of ownership. The compact design minimizes mass and allows for extremely fast dispensing and exceptional control,” said Hugh Read, Dispenser Group Business Manager.

The combination of both within the Prodigy provides the ultimate solution for dual head dispensing. The ability to pitch the pumps from 28 mm to 160 mm with any pump type allows an extremely broad range of use within all market segments associated with electronics assembly.


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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