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ITW EAE MPM introduces new stencil printer for factory automation

Stencil printer for ultra-fine pitch and micro aperture printing processes
ITW EAE MPM introduces new stencil printer for factory automation

ITW EAE MPM introduces new stencil printer for factory automation
The stencil printer is integrated with automated changeover technology that is fast and consistent with reduced operator requirement resulting in error-free changeover, and increased yield and throughput Source: ITW EAE

ITW EAE MPM has announced the new Edison II ACT stencil printer a simple to use, easy to adopt and scalable solution for automation. The stencil printer is integrated with automated changeover technology that is fast and consistent with reduced operator requirement resulting in error-free changeover, and increased yield and throughput.

The new system offers advanced technology needed for ultra-fine pitch and micro aperture printing processes. This makes it ideally suited for advanced semiconductor stencil printing applications. The company adds that the new system has a proven print process capability greater than 2 Cpk for 0201 metric components. With a built-in ±8 micron machine alignment, and ±15 micron wet print accuracy (≥_2 Cpk @ 6 sigma, Edison‘s wet print accuracy is 25% better than the next best printers.

The new printer also offers a transfer efficiency that exceeds requirements for the smallest apertures. A single high precision load-cell with closed-loop pressure control and motor driven system enable precise and consistent squeegee force control across the entire print stroke in both directions, which helps improve yields. Innovative machine design achieves ultra-tight coplanarity between stencil and substrate enabling yield improvement for ultra-thin stencil printing.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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