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Inspectis develops magnification solution for BGA inspection on large PCBAs

Extended reach BGA-XL stan plus XM lenses
Inspectis develops magnification solution for BGA inspection on large PCBAs

Inspectis develops magnification solution for BGA inspection on large PCBAs
The BGA lens package consists of a lens (standard or XM) plus a probe tip (standard or small), and the new XM higher power lens is compatible with both the Standard and the Small probe tip Source: Inspectis

Inspectis has introduced a solution to facilitate the inspection of ultra-low clearance BGAs on large PCBAs. The company says the INSPECTIS’ BGA-XL will reach them, while optional new XM lenses will get you under them – as well as offering up to 285x screen magnification.

“Our unique XM lens for our BGA inspection systems is a remarkable feature that is especially designed for small stand offs, e.g., 200 microns, and very small ball arrays,” said Alistair Gooch, Marketing Manager. “What’s more, when coupled with our new extended reach BGA-XL stand for larger boards, we are supplying greater reach, power, and capability. Our advanced and configurable capabilities in the field of optical BGA inspection can be applied to finding solutions where others cannot!”

The Inspectis BGA lens package consists of a lens (standard or XM) plus a probe tip (standard or small), and the new XM higher power lens is compatible with both the Standard and the Small probe tip, which features a 27% smaller footprint. Inspectis offers a wide range of packages/sets covering basic or advanced inspection requirements.

“This unique side-view BGA Inspection system features the tiniest and most robust optical probe available, with built-in high power lighting and a crisp, sharp high-resolution 90-degree viewing angle. Plus, we have recently made mechanical improvements to various aspects of the BGA camera stand, based on customer feedback that makes the platform more stable, and improves the mechanism that reduces the risk of prism damage.”

The Inspection System is available in 2 system levels, Basics and ProX which includes powerful inspection, analysis, and documentation software.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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