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Inovaxe to unveils newest inventory management solutions

Material handling at SMTconnect 2024
Inovaxe to unveils newest inventory management solutions

Inovaxe to unveils newest inventory management solutions
Equipped with intelligent sensors, integrated lighting for part identification, and lightning-fast retrieval and return times, the racks streamline kitting processes, reducing time from hours to seconds, says the company Source: Innovaxe

Inovaxe, a provider of material handling and inventory control systems, has announced its participation at the upcoming SMTconnect exhibition, scheduled to take place 11-13 June 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany.

In booth 4A.225, hosted by SmartRep, the company will unveil its newest advancements in inventory management: the SREX Racks which offer a storage capacity of up to 880 7“ reels or 480 13“ reels. Equipped with intelligent sensors, integrated lighting for part identification, and lightning-fast retrieval and return times, the racks streamline kitting processes, reducing time from hours to seconds, says the company. Seamlessly integrating with ERP, MES, MRP and Pick-and-Place software, these racks provide real-time inventory visibility and are available in various sizes and widths.

Smart cart

In addition to the SREX Racks, Inovaxe will display the IA Series Smart cart, designed to store up to 1,120 reels in less than 4.75 square feet of space. With a sleek and modern design, this series offers both full-size and half-size carts for increased mobility and flexibility. Featuring doors to secure reels and optional electronic locks for added security, these carts are equipped with ESD-conductive casters and can be made fully mobile with the addition of a battery.


Furthermore, Inovaxe will showcase its revolutionary InoBar, designed to retrofit shelves and pallet racks, converting existing storage locations into intelligent storage solutions. Compatible with the InoAuto software, it offers a wide range of use cases, from dispensing bulk components to storing and locating boxes, pallets, and more.

LineSide Cart

Finally, the LineSide Cart LS700 series is designed to further optimize SMT material handling processes. With four rows of 7“ reel storage, the LS700 model offers a maximum capacity of 320 7“ reels, all within a compact footprint of less than 2.5 square feet. For enhanced capacity, the LS700–1 model adds an extra half row of reel storage, accommodating up to 368 7“ reels. Equipped with an integrated display and standard InoAuto software, these carts boast features tailored for lineside usage, along with a built-in 1D/2D barcode scanner. Whether used as standalone storage or integrated into an InoAuto system, LS700 racks offer seamless interfacing with pick-and-place machines and MES systems, automating production operations. With the option for mobility through battery integration, these carts ensure flexibility in material handling, promising streamlined processes and improved efficiency on the production floor.

SMTconnect, Stand 4A.225 (SmartRep)

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