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Indium Corporation introduces gold-based preforms for semiconductor laser die-attach

Au-based precision die-attach (PDA) solder preforms
Indium Corporation introduces gold-based preforms for semiconductor laser die-attach

Indium Corporation introduces gold-based preforms for semiconductor laser die-attach
“We are excited to offer our gold-based PDA preforms because they are able to uniquely meet our customers’ needs for highly automated, precision processes,” said Indium Corporation Senior Product Manager Jeff Anweiler. Source: Indium Corporation

Indium Corporation has introduced new, high-reliability Au-based Precision Die-Attach (PDA) Preforms. Compared to standard preforms, these gold-based PDA preforms offer a higher level of precision to reduce defects, control bondline thickness (BLT), and deliver high-yield performance and reliability in critical die-attach applications, the company says.

Semiconductor laser die-attach applications require the highest quality, ultra-precise solder preforms to ensure accuracy and repeatability during assembly for a guaranteed, highly reliable end product. The Au-based PDA Preforms offer the new gold standard. Features include:

  • Highly accurate thickness control
  • Precise edge quality
  • Optimized cleanliness
  • Default waffle pack method
  • Available for gold-based alloys

“We are excited to offer our gold-based PDA preforms because they are able to uniquely meet our customers’ needs for highly automated, precision processes,” said Indium Corporation Senior Product Manager Jeff Anweiler. “They not only reduce solder-related defects and die-tilt, but they also increase process yield performance. These products deliver superior thermal transfer, operational efficiency, and device reliability, especially for critical laser and RF applications, as well as 5G communications.” 

The Preforms are available in the following alloys:

  • Primary alloys:
  • 80Au/20Sn
  • 79Au/21Sn
  • Development alloys:
  • 78Au/22Sn; 77Au/23Sn; 76Au/24Sn; 75Au/25Sn
  • 88Au/12Ge
  • 96.8Au/3.2Si
  • 82Au/18In

Selecting the right preform characteristics and packaging is crucial for consistent success in production processes. Every application has unique parameters, making it essential to design a preform and its packaging to meet these specific needs.

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