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Heavy board options added to reflow soldering system

Handling dense and heavy assemblies
Heavy board options added to reflow soldering system

Heavy board options added to reflow soldering system
The enhancement to the Centurion 1240 reflow system is designed to address the evolving challenges of dense and heavy assemblies Source: ITW EAE

Provider of reflow soldering technology, Vitronics Soltec has launched new Heavy Board options for its Centurion 1240 reflow soldering system. This enhancement is designed to provide unmatched thermal performance and maximum throughput, addressing the evolving challenges of dense and heavy assemblies in the electronics manufacturing industry.

“The CT 1240 stands out for its ability to meet the most stringent industry requirements without increasing the machine’s footprint,” said the company. “While many suppliers respond to the increasing density of assemblies by extending oven length, Vitronics Soltec has taken a different approach. The new Heavy Board options enhance the CT 1240’s capabilities, allowing for improved handling of heavier boards while boosting throughput.

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