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Greenerwave commercialises reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for research players

Electromagnetic wave control, RIS 2.0 technology
Greenerwave commercialises reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for research players

Greenerwave commercialises reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for research players
The company says these technologies, seen as a key advancement for 5G+/6G networks, promise enhanced network coverage while significantly reducing energy consumption. Source: Greenerwave

Greenerwave, a French deeptech company specializing in electromagnetic wave control, is taking a major step by commercializing its reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) for public and public-private research laboratories. By offering RIS in FR1, FR2, and FR3 bands, Greenerwave provides a tool to advance research in this future-oriented field and unlock new use cases in telecommunications.

With its low-energy reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, the company aims to play a key role in addressing tomorrow’s connectivity challenges including connectivity for Industry 4.0, large-scale event networks, and low-power B5G and 6G technologies.

The company offers reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) technology that is revolutionizing the telecommunications sector. With this, the French deeptech company provides a solution that is efficient, cost-effective, and high-performance for mobile operators. By developing passive repeaters capable of directing wave beams toward connected devices, Greenerwave enables real-time adaptation of local networks to connectivity needs. These technologies, seen as a key advancement for 5G+/6G networks, promise enhanced network coverage while significantly reducing energy consumption.

At the service of research

The firm is offering its RIS 2.0 to the research community just months after their official unveiling. This initiative aims to support the development of knowledge and expertise that will shape the future of telecommunications, IoT, and network infrastructures. Capable of covering all frequency bands, including FR3, these intelligent surfaces, which can reconfigure wave propagation in real-time, are the perfect tool for institutes seeking to deepen their research on wireless technologies and develop new use cases. Greenerwave continues its mission of democratizing electromagnetic wave control technologies while reinforcing Europe’s leadership in more stable, optimized, and energy-efficient telecommunications.

To drive change

Recent advances in telecommunications, such as future 6G standards or IoT, rely on increasingly efficient connectivity infrastructures. For industries, the use of new frequencies for private networks and the reduction of energy consumption in communication systems are also crucial challenges. In the near future, the company aims to become a key partner in the telecommunications ecosystem by bringing RIS technology into commercial use cases and future networks.

How it works

Greenerwave designs metasurfaces comprising elements that “shape” electromagnetic waves, enabling directional beams to be generated and controlled. These metasurfaces consist of a group of centimetric-sized elements called pixels that act as micromirrors. Each pixel can modify the sign of the reflected wave. The interactions between pixels and microwaves are controlled by algorithms derived from the world of physics that direct waves after their reflection on the surface. Passive, low-cost and easy to manufacture, this technology aims to optimize the use of electromagnetic waves while drastically reducing the antenna energy consumption and production costs.

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