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Fastest dual-sided flying probe tester

Compensates for board warpage
Fastest dual-sided flying probe tester

Fastest dual-sided flying probe tester
The APT-1600FD system has 6 top side and 4 bottom side flying probes with a throughput increase of 30–50%. Source: Takaya

Takaya’s APT-1600FD advanced flying probe test system for assembled PCBAs provides average head-speed increases of up to 50 % with throughput improvements of 30–50 % over existing models, making it the industry’s fastest flying-probe test system. It incorporates a new 10-flying-Z-axis design, including 4 vertical flying probes that provide unequalled access to test points where conventional angled probes fail to contact.

The APT-1600FD is the newest member of the company’s APT-1400F family of flying probers. Its 6 top side and 4 bottom side flying probes deliver unprecedented speed and performance found only from Takaya, an inventor of flying-probe test technology for more than 25 years.

The company’s “soft touch” probing virtually eliminates the presence of witness marks often associated with flying probe test. To help compensate for board warpage, the system now comes equipped with a laser profiling system. Prior to testing a PCA, the surface of the board is scanned, and the system automatically compensates for any warpage, guaranteeing maximum probing accuracy.

Next generation, high-precision measurement electronics are embedded in the flying heads allowing for greatly improved measurement accuracy and increased functional capabilities. The new measurement system includes multiple 4-quadrant source and measurement units, plus an AC sine and square wave generator and frequency counter, providing the ability to perform dynamic characteristic tests of components and circuits. An enhanced function scanner board and communications software make it easy to connect external instrumentation for additional functional-test capabilities.


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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