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‘Drop-in Replacement’ for BGA on display in Munich

On show at Electronica
‘Drop-in Replacement’ for BGA on display in Munich

‘Drop-in Replacement’ for BGA on display in Munich
TopLine CCGA (Ceramic Column Grid Array) Source: TopLine Corporation

Provider of solder columns for CCGA semiconductor packages TopLine Corporation will exhibit its latest technology solutions at Electronica in Munich, Germany, November 12 – 15, 2024, in stand B4.428. The exhibit will include leading TopLine products including CCGA, Superconducting Solder Column, Bonding wire, IC Chip Tray, Zero-Ohm Jumper and more. TopLine manufactures a wide range of solder columns for CCGA semiconductor packages, and provides Daisy Chain CCGA packages for engineering development, profiling, and practice.

The company recently announced the availability of Braided Solder Columns as drop-in replacements for BGA balls for Quantum Computers and next generation applications including Very Large 2.5D Packages. For more information, visit Booth B4.428 at Electronica.

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