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Cored solder wire increases reliability in automotive electronics

Cored solder wire increases reliability in automotive electronics

Cored solder wire increases reliability in automotive electronics
Telecore HF-850 cored solder wire with InnoLot alloy to increase reliability to underhood electronics. Source: Alpha
Alpha, the world leader in the production of electronic soldering materials, has specially engineered its Telecore HF-850 cored solder wire with InnoLot alloy to increase reliability to underhood electronics. With warranty claims and the life-span of electronic assemblies in automotive vehicles a top concern for automotive electronics manufacturers, it is more important than ever that under hood electronics can withstand the most demanding conditions.

HF-850 provides the best-in-class soldering performance for tip temperatures ranging from 320 °C to 420 °C applications and offers excellent performance in various applications including point, drag and automated robotic soldering. The wire also leaves excellent joint cosmetics due to its clear, non-tacky residue. Alongside its clear appearance, making inspection easier, the residue also passes the most demanding electrical reliability testing. It is the fastest wetting and lowest spattering Halogen and Halide Free cored wire offering from the company. HF-850 combined with the InnoLot alloy is the perfect solution for automotive power train and chassis applications where electronics will be exposed to harsh operating conditions. The InnoLot alloy is designed to provide increased reliability to solder joints which are subjected to high temperatures and harsh vibrations.
Bernice Chung, Alpha’s Global Product Manager for cored wire comments, “InnoLot Telecore HF-850 completes Alphas range of high operating temperature automotive assembly solutions, making the company unique in providing the full range of soldering process materials with the InnoLot alloy”.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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