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BTU to showcase DBC belt furnaces in Boston

Direct Bond Copper (DBC) applications
BTU to showcase DBC belt furnaces in Boston

BTU to showcase DBC belt furnaces in Boston
The company’s TCA Furnace is designed to meet the rigorous demands of DBC applications, providing unmatched precision and reliability Source: BTU International

BTU International, a supplier of advanced thermal processing equipment for the electronics manufacturing market, will showcase its industry-leading high-temperature belt furnaces, including the TCA Furnace renowned for its exceptional performance in Direct Bond Copper (DBC) applications at the International Symposium on Microelectronics (IMAPS) Boston, scheduled to take place Oct. 1–2, 2024.

As a leader in DBC production, BTU International has perfected the balance of atmosphere control and thermal uniformity, ensuring optimal bonding and superior product quality. The company’s TCA Furnace is designed to meet the rigorous demands of DBC applications, providing unmatched precision and reliability.

Attendees at IMAPS Boston will have the opportunity to learn more about BTU International‘s innovative solutions and how its high-temperature belt furnaces can enhance their production processes. BTU’s experts will be on hand to discuss the latest advancements in controlled atmosphere technology and demonstrate how BTU equipment delivers consistent, high-quality results.

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