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Amtech modernises operating system with AI

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Amtech modernises operating system with AI

Amtech modernises operating system with AI
The updated OS ensures seamless quality control, utilizing both software and hardware AI solutions, and the company plans on driving even more value to its existing and future customers. Source: Amtech

Amtech Electrocircuits, a leading provider of manufacturing solutions, is proud to announce the modernization of its proprietary operating system, AmtechOS, by integrating cutting-edge AI technology and state-of-the-art process automation solutions. When the operating syste, was first developed 10 years ago, technologies such as cloud-based systems, BPM, and API integrations were not yet in existence. Since then, these technologies have evolved significantly, and Amtech is implementing best-in-class solutions from key partners. This allows the company to focus its resources on pioneering the next frontier in manufacturing technologies and automation, providing customers with even greater efficiency and precision while enabling them to concentrate on innovation and problem-solving instead of routine tasks.

“We believe in delivering more than just manufacturing services; we provide a unique customer experience,” said Jay Patel, CEO. “Our core values shape everything we do, from creative problem-solving to meeting deadlines with accuracy. Amtech is proud to be a partner that customers can rely on for all their manufacturing needs, thanks to our agile manufacturing process and the capabilities of AmtechOS.”

The updated system ensures seamless quality control, utilizing both software and hardware AI solutions, and the company plans on driving even more value to its existing and future customers. By selecting modern vendors and deploying AI-driven automation, the update further enhances production efficiency, ensuring that projects are delivered on time, with consistent accuracy, and to the highest quality standards.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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