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MicroCare highlighting technical cleaning solutions

Vapor degreasing
MicroCare highlighting technical cleaning solutions

MicroCare highlighting technical cleaning solutions
Vertrel SFR is a non-flammable chemistry that easily cleans high-temperature lead-free solder pastes and flux residue. Source: MicroCare

MicroCare Corp. hosted live critical cleaning demonstrations at IPC Apex Expo and presented the latest advancements in benchtop and vapor degreasing cleaning.

The TriggerGrip cleaning system and a vapor degreaser were demonstrated, which showed how these solutions clean effectively, safely and at the lowest-cost-per-part.

The company‘s cleaning experts are application scientists that are well-versed in critical cleaning methodologies. They help companies identify PCB contamination and develop cleaning methods to remove it after soldering or reflow. Regional sales managers conduct on-site cleaning audits and provide product training and support while the chemists help customers select a cleaner and validate their cleaning processes.

“MicroCare takes a total quality management approach to ensure customer satisfaction with product quality, responsiveness and technical service,” said Tom Tattersall, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “This includes the cleaning tests conducted at the critical cleaning labs located in the United Kingdom, United States and Singapore. Customers can send contaminated parts to the labs where our chemists clean them and then make recommendations on the best combination of cleaning fluids and processes for success. We encourage our customers to judge for themselves how effective our cleaners are,” Tattersall continued.

The Vertrel SFR specialty fluid is a non-flammable chemistry that cleans high-temperature lead-free solder pastes and flux residue. It has excellent solvency power for a range of soils including both organic and ionic.

“Vertrel SFR specialty fluid has been developed to clean very effectively and to replace regulated chemicals like nPB and TCE, both of which are being phased-out due environmental concerns. Not only does SFR clean well, it also has much better toxicity profile,” said Tattersall.

With a history in critical cleaning, coating and lubrication products, the company has its finger on the pulse of modern cleaning solutions. In addition to their customer technical support, they invest in pioneering research and development to provide customers with both off-the-shelf products and customized cleaning fluids to meet their specific needs.

Company contact

MicroCare Corporation
595 John Downey Drive
New Britain, CT 06051 USA
Tel: +1 860 827 0626
E-mail: support@microcare.com
Website: www.microcare.com

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