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Global semiconductor materials market revenue reaches record USD 73 billion in 2022, SEMI reports

8.9% revenue growth for wafer fabrication and packaging materials
Global semiconductor materials market revenue reaches record USD 73 billion in 2022, SEMI reports

Global semiconductor materials market revenue reaches record USD 73 billion in 2022, SEMI reports
Source: SEMI

Global industry association representing the electronics manufacturing and design supply chain SEMI has reported that the global semiconductor materials market revenue grew 8.9% to USD 72.7 billion (EUR 66.86 billion) in 2022, surpassing the previous market high of USD 66.8 biSEMIn (EUR 61.4 billion) in 2021.

Wafer fabrication materials and packaging materials revenue in 2022 reached USD 44.7 billion (EUR 41.06 billion) and USD 28.0 billion (EUR 25.7 billion), respectively, increasing 10.5% and 6.3%. The silicon, electronic gases, and photomask segments showed the strongest growth in the wafer fabrication materials market, while the organic substrates segment largely drove packaging materials market growth.

For the 13th consecutive year, Taiwan, at USD 20.1 billion (EUR 18.5 billion), was the world‘s largest consumer of semiconductor materials on the strength of its foundry capacity and advanced packaging base. China continued to register strong year-over-year results, ranking second in 2022, while Korea finished as the third largest consumer of semiconductor materials. Most regions registered high single- or double-digit growth last year. 

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