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Enhanced assembly line for all aspects of material logistics

Ready for the next 25 years
Enhanced assembly line for all aspects of material logistics

Under the tag line „Ready for next 25 years“, the Asys Group gave an impressive demonstration outlining the further steps being taken toward the smart factory. The Pulse production line with its material transport stations, autonomous intelligent vehicles (AIVs), and a central component storage system drew numerous visitors to the booth at productronica 2017.

What will electronics manufacturing look like in the future? What kind of smart assistance systems will be utilized to provide the best possible support to operators? The team answered these questions and more for interested visitors from all over the world at the show. The automation experts also presented an enhanced assembly line featuring new solutions for all aspects of material logistics and Industry 4.0 software. Material logistics is implemented in three elements: a central component storage system, material transport stations, and AIVs. The Dry Tower from SuperDry Totech, a group member of the company, was utilized as the central storage system.

AIVs load and unload the assembly line, while material stations form the interface between the operator and the assembly line, component storage system, and AIV. The software product portfolio was demonstrated on the Pulse production line. The machine builder showed how individual applications can contribute to optimal production planning, and how smartwatch and tablet makes the operator’s job even easier.

„2017 was a very exciting anniversary year for us, which reached a high point at productronica. Within 25 years, our Group has succeeded in becoming the leading manufacturer of innovative solutions for electronics manufacturing. We are now ready for the next step toward the smart factory, where we will also leave our mark,“ says Werner Kreibl, founder and CEO.


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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