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Versatile base module for rework and micro assembly

Versatile base module for rework and micro assembly

Versatile base module for rework and micro assembly
The Pico is Finetech’s most versatile base module, and can be used in a wide field of applications for rework and different kinds of micro assembly such as Flip Chip bonding. On the one hand, the Pico for micro assembly offers a high placement accuracy of 5 µm (0.2 mil), allowing bonding of the smallest die with a pitch down to 50 µm. On the other hand, the Pico rework configuration offers enough accessibility to be used for nearly all large standard surface mounted components.

The base module will be capable of both rework and assembly. It can be configured with a small passive rework application package that includes all rework steps: component removal, residual solder removal, paste dispensing and new component soldering. This specific configuration makes it possible to see 0201 or 01005 components using high-magnification optics.
The optional integrated solder paste dispenser provides the capability of dispensing solder paste dots small enough for 01005 rework and can also be configured to dispense epoxy and underfill. A second application package is available for mobile device rework. Equipped with a motorized placement module, the system is capable of performing the entire rework process for the smallest of devices up to RF shield cans, and for the challenge presented by extremely high-density packages.
EPP Europe 410
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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