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Upgrade kits for versatile dispensing

Upgrade kits for versatile dispensing

Dima has introduced three upgrade kits for its Dotmaster dispensing robot, providing not only dots but lines, arcs, circles and spirals as well. This makes the system a multi-purpose desktop dispenser with advanced robotics. The Dotmaster operates in time/pressure mode, as well as volumetric dispensing. There are three options upgrading an existing machine: the basic kit containing controller and software; a fully featured kit containing the basic supplies plus camera; frame grabber and cable; and the ESI auto alignment software and computer for automated recognition of fiducials or parts for a highly accurate process. Typical applications are glob top, dam and fill, gaskets, potting, coating, adhesive bonding, etc. Utilizing the kit with camera, the system can be programmed by the Windows-based user interface. XY-offset, and needle height can be adjusted after a needle exchange. The software includes libraries for fiducials, dot sizes and line widths.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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