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Tiny Test Handler with a two-level conveyor

Tiny Test Handler with a two-level conveyor

Tiny Test Handler with a two-level conveyor
Elektrobit has displayed the Tiny Test Handler at the SMT/Hybrid/Packaging 2006 exhibition and conference. For functional test, boundary scan test and software download applications: the Tiny Test Handler features a two-level conveyor that enables compact layouts. This handler is described as the optimal solution for applications where test times are greater than line beat rates. The fixture interface allows RF, digital, analogue, pneumatic, high voltage and high-current signals to be used in a small footprint.

Standard features on the Test Handler include robust steel and aluminium construction, fixed-top fixture and a moving bottom fixture, and pneumatic press actuation. Requiring minimal maintenance, the handler is capable of double-sided testing. Additionally, the system’s lower-level conveyor provides a bypass route when the upper-level conveyor is in the test position. The handler offers a touch display operator panel, has a Smema electrical interface, and is both ESD and CE safe. Fixture change time for the tester is typically less than two minutes, and PCB exchange time is typically less than 3.5 seconds. The 500 x 800 mm system features a maximum press force of 500 N and the edge belt conveyor has 3 mm edge support.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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