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Thermal profiler

Thermal profiler

Thermal profiler
KIC Explorer, a thermal profiler from KIC, incorporates state-of-the-art SMT technology and high-temperature rated components. The rugged hardware has been designed to endure the harsh conditions of real-world factory use. Modern applications introduce an array of thermal process complexities. To conquer those challenges, one needs additional thermal profile data. As a standard feature and due to the miniature-TC harness design the thermal profiler has 12 thermocouples to meet the requirements. This is less expensive than using a standard Type-K thermocouple. (If one prefers Type-K thermocouples, the thermal profiler is available in a standard Type-K, 7-channel model.)

Acquiring more data in a small unit is only the beginning. The thermal profiler reportedly provides the highest sampling rate available, greater memory capacity and superior data precision. Thermal profile data are conveniently transferred to the computer via a USB connection. The thermal profiler is powered by standard AAA batteries; rechargeable batteries are optional. Its easy-to-use data intelligence software has a graphical interface that intuitively guides users through the task of profiling. All critical profile and process data are measured, including slope, peak temperature and time above liquidus. The software measures the Process Window Index (PWI) statistic. The PWI mathematically and objectively identifies the profile’s “fit” to the available process window. A PWI less than 100 indicates an in-spec profile. A PWI value of Zero represents the center of the process window. Therefore, the lower the PWI, the more stable and efficient the process. The PWI also instantly reveals where the process or the oven needs to be adjusted. Manual prediction capability comes standard with the thermal profiler. This allows the user to manually adjust and improve upon his process or oven setup. The optional KIC Auto-Focus automates process improvement and optimization. Within seconds, this Auto-Focus automatically “googles” the billions of alternative oven recipes and selects the single best oven setup for each application.
Productronica, Stand A5.134
EPP Europe 440
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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