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The combination of a modular design and a comprehensive range of test methods

The combination of a modular design and a comprehensive range of test methods

Digitaltest has highlighted its innovative testers: Condor Flying Probe system, the MTS300 Sigma and the MTS 180. Using unique drive technology and linear motors to give high speed and high accuracy in fine pitch applications, the second generation Flying Prober Condor 500 is 30 % faster with a 25 % price reduction over previous models. Integrated boundary-scan is an option on this new platform. To counter concerns manufacturers have about the damage caused by conventional probe testing techniques, particularly in complex and high-density boards, the enterprise has introduced its ‚Soft Landing‘ technology on this test solution. The MTS 300 Sigma In-Circuit Tester features an ergonomic design with a 20° diagonal angle, easy change of adaptors and boards and high-speed hybrid boards. The system has been designed to address the key demands of modern manufacturing test – flexibility, high fault coverage and easy programming. According to the company, flexibility is guaranteed by the combination of its modular design and its comprehensive range of test methods.

This modular design allows the in-circuit tester to be optimally configured for current needs without limiting the possibilities of future expansion. Future changes to individual test methods, as well as to the configuration of test pins, can be easily performed with this tester. The range of test techniques incorporates analog and digital in-circuit test capabilities, vectorless testing, functional test, boundary-scan (optional) and on-board programming. Reportedly, the system is also one of the fastest machines on the market – its capacity for 1000 measurements/sec makes it ideal for high volume applications.
Due to the non-multiplexed system structure, this in-circuit tester is able to emulate existing test programs and fixtures from other platforms like Aeroflex (Marconi), GenRad, Teradyne, Agilent (HP), and Rohde & Schwarz. This ability to exchange programs and fixtures with other test manufacturers‘ systems effectively makes this tester a ’neutral platform‘, which can save both time and money. It has been displayed with a new converter, which makes any migration from legacy testers easy. Customers still using ATE equipment designed in the 1970’s and 1980’s are now facing problems with part obsolence issues and field service support for those outdated systems.
This new tester presents a method to overcome these problems without wasting previous investment. The tester can also be integrated into a handling system, which offers enough space for the tester rack plus additional space for IEEE or VXI instruments. The press system, driven by a servomotor, allows double-sided fixturing and dual level for both ICT and functional test. Short wire connections guarantee signal integrity and quality.
The one-touch fixture for the MTS 180, developed in order to reduce the handling time for fixture exchange, has been introduced. This tester is the firm’s economical solution for high volume production. Equipped with a Press Down Unit and a combination of analog and hybrid in-circuit test pins, this tester occupies a unique place in the market. Furthermore, the tester can be equipped with functional test modules to provide higher fault coverage and satisfy the test requirements of a vast number of customers. The economics of the tester are not limited to the initial cost. For example, the press-down fixturing solution reduces the costs of test fixtures. Users can create fixtures with features such as double-sided board access, OpensCheck probes from both sides, etc. – all at a cost that is far below that of vacuum fixtures. The system can be equipped with up to 1400 analog or 1400 hybrid pins.
electronica, booth A1.620
EPP Europe 438
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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