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Stencil wiping roll

Stencil wiping roll

The Green Monster ESD stencil wiping roll from High-Tech Conversions is anti-static as well as lead-free compatible. Because the material is ESD, it prevents sparks that can damage components and cause voids in solder traces. Since the lead-free compatible ESD stencil wiping roll uses coarse ESD fibers, the fabric has a much more aggressive cleaning surface and provides more voids to collect solder paste as opposed to the smearing that results from using paper. The fabric is made of a highly cross-linked acrylic polymer that bonds the company’s long, coarse fibers together, making the product more porous and allowing full utilization of the vacuum system. Consequently, more air can be drawn through the stencil’s apertures solder paste.

Productronica, Stand A4.420
EPP Europe 450
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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