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Steel valves for precise fluid deposits

Steel valves for precise fluid deposits

Steel valves for precise fluid deposits
OK International Techcon Systems’ introduced two stainless steel valves to the TS5500 series spray-valve family for fine distribution of low-viscosity materials such as conformal coating, solvent, oil and grease precisely and consistently for thin-film fluid deposits. The TS5540/TS5540F come with a variety of nozzle/cap configurations for spraying different fluid patterns and sizes. The TS5540 three cone-shaped nozzles/caps are for spraying three sizes of circular-shaped deposits. The TS5540F three fan-shaped nozzles/caps are for spraying three sizes of elliptical-shaped deposits. Both valves have a 4.8 bar activation pressure and handle fluid pressure at a maximum of 6.9 bar. These nozzles feature a smooth fluid path that reduces turbulent flow and air-entrapment, ensuring a consistent, precise and repeatable process. They also feature an external stroke control that adjusts for different fluid flow and provides an extremely fast, positive shut-off. With rugged construction, a field-replaceable Delrin seat and seal, the nozzles reportedly have a long life cycle and are service friendly. They are compatible with a wide range of aggressive and non-aggressive industrial fluids.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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