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Software to Increase First-Pass Yield

Software to Increase First-Pass Yield

Software to Increase First-Pass Yield
At Pemstar, an international subcontractor, the first-pass yield in its Dutch factory in Almelo reportedly exceeds 95 % in the long-term. The reason for this impressive figure is claimed to be the use of SPEA Compass, a software concept for quality-data management and process optimization. By using this software, the company integrates all the workstations in inspection, test and repair into its quality-management system. With the aid of this software, the users collect the data of the functional and the in-circuit testers, the visual/optical inspection, as well as the entire individual rework procedures. By means of a touch-screen monitor, the operators enter the detected faults, so that even this data, which would otherwise not be obtained, is included in the process of verification. Therefore, after testing just a few board assemblies, evaluations can detect process tendencies in manufacturing. The company uses this information to optimize individual process steps such as stencil printing or component placement, etc. Then, after the evaluation, the users can exactly see why and at which site in the line defects have occurred, and can provide the necessary changes there. Such process optimization is important and helpful, since it lowers production costs and delivers higher quality and product reliability right from the first pass. By using the Compass software, the company has reportedly optimized the production process to such an extent that hardly any rework seems necessary.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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