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Software Delivers Essential Tools for Design and Test Integration

Software Delivers Essential Tools for Design and Test Integration

The Test Stand 3.1 software delivers increased software re-use and test development productivity for design and test integration. It includes Labview Express technology and Labview real-time integration, as well as features for advanced test-execution and parallel testing.

Test Stand is a ready-to-run management environment and framework for organizing, controlling and executing automated prototype, validation and manufacturing test systems, to quickly build test sequences. With the ability to call any VI (virtual instrument), users can easily and interactively configure their tests with little programming and minimal training.
Test Stand step types and Labview module adapter enhancements provide communication links between the test system and the deterministic process control. For example, engineers can use Labview real-time to control an environmental chamber while Test Stand manages the execution of tests on the devices in the chamber. The auto schedule and flow control steps offer engineers advanced test execution capabilities, and help visualize and control the order of tests in applications involving step looping and conditional decision making, such as device characterization.
Other features include enhancements to the property loader and Test Stand deployment utility, integration of an FTP files step type, the ability to import function and parameter information from Lab Windows/CVI DLLs without the need for a type library.
The program seamlessly integrates with a variety of software including switch management, graphical development environment and Lab Windows/CVI. It also integrates with hardware including divers modular instruments and switches, offering a complete platform for automated tests.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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