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SMT platform

SMT platform

SMT platform
The iineo SMT platform from Europlacer features many improvements to the company’s range such as a higher feeder count, increased board size and increased maximum component height. The platform uses the firm’s proven core features – turret head, intelligent feeders, powerful software – while introducing new technologies with linear motors and digital cameras. The platform is widely configurable, allowing for numerous different possibilities: Single or dual linear motor gantry including a rotary turret head with 8 or 12 pickups; 1 or 2 board positioning mechanisms; oversized board options and feeders in front and rear or front only.

The single-head can handle maximum PCB sizes of 700 x 460 mm with options to handle up to 1610 x 600 mm. The double-head system can handle maximum PCB sizes of 500 x 460 mm with options to handle up to 700 x 600 mm. Both the single and dual-head systems can handle minimum PCB sizes of 60 x 60 mm, board thickness of 0.5 to 4.5 mm, maximum weight of 3 kg and under board clearance of 25 mm. Additionally, both feature board edge clearance of 3 mm above/5 mm below, and left to right, fixed front rail transport criteria with a height of 950 mm (adjustable from 890 to 975 mm). Board location on both is full edge clamping with fiducial correction, and both systems feature a SMEMA interface.
The single-head features one nozzle with 40 positions in its “smart” nozzle tool bank, and the dual-head configuration provides two nozzles, each with 40 positions in its “smart” nozzle tool bank. Both systems feature standard placement accuracy of 35 µm (QFPs) to 60 µm (chips), full range of intelligent feeders for 8 to 88 mm tapes for components in plastic sticks and matrix trays, and a feeder capacity of 264 x 8 mm. The single has a rotary turret pick-up head on X/Y linear motor gantries with eight pick-ups each (12 pick-ups on Tornado head), while the dual-head features a twin rotary turret pick-up head.
Depending on the configuration, the following is possible: Maximum placement rate can be between 14,000 and 26,000 cph; the largest PCB can reach 1,610 x 600 mm; component range is from 01005 to 70 x 70 mm, the tallest component can be 35 mm height. Possible options include glue dispense with Archimedean screw, electrical test, fixed camera, conveyor auto-width adjustment, special nozzle magazine and more.
A core objective of the company concept has always been to protect the investment of its users by seeking upward and downward compatibility of feeders, software, and other ancillaries. This principle also has been applied to the new SMT platform.
The intelligent feeder technology is used across the whole range of its SMT placers. Whether using quick-load single feeders or full feeder trolley changeover, every feeder is fully programmable with component and inventory data. Once the feeders are loaded, this information is automatically recognised by the machine, which helps make setup and changeover fast and simple.
This platform is accompanied by new software products. First, multi-job optimisation: a functional optimiser that determines one setup for multiple job processing. Because of the high feeder count available, this software option eliminates frequent changeover, optimising delivery and quality performance. Second, Wireless Stock Management linked to the Customer’s ERP: Maintains complete visibility and a fast access to all inventory on the production floor including passive storage racks.
Productronica, Stand A4.125
EPP Europe 435
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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