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Shielding Can Technology

Shielding Can Technology

Shielding Can Technology
Precision Micro will launch ‘Quiet Venting’ for EMI/RFI shielding cans. The feature offers optimum open area in the walls and roof for thermal management purposes while maintaining a minimum linear dimension for each aperture that is commensurate with the frequency of the device being shielded. Some optical inspection (AOI) systems can “see through’’ the vents in the can, identifying hidden misplaced and missing components without having to resort to functional testing. Also on show for the first time will be shielding cans coated internally with Micro Safe, a high performance dielectric coating that reduces the possibility of arcing between circuitry and the grounded shielding can. Arcing can occur as a result of turn-on spikes or surges (electromagnetic pulses) caused by external stimuli and can be very damaging to active electronics devices. The company exhibits also a vast range of bespoke components for electronics manufacturing including EMI/RFI shielding solutions, lead frames, lids, clips, contacts, connector shields, heat sinks and a variety of other board level, mechanical components.

Productronica, Stand B5.114
EPP Europe 444
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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