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Sharp edge squeegee for fine-sphere solder paste printing

Sharp edge squeegee for fine-sphere solder paste printing

Sharp edge squeegee for fine-sphere solder paste printing
“Sharp Edge” from Transition Automation is designed to deliver better SMT printing results with certain fine-sphere solder paste printing applications. With this product the squeegee has a smaller tip radius than the traditional Permalex Edge metal squeegee. The edge radius is a feature of the squeegee that contributes to long stable printing with minimal wear of both the stencil and squeegee edge. The standard radius of a squeegee is approximately 0.005 inches. The sharp edge option sets the radius closer to 0.003 inches. For certain situations, with fine solder paste spheres, there is a possibility that the small spheres may “roll-under” the squeegee, resulting in non-perfect wiping. The sharp edge variation will prevent this possibility while maintaining a radius that will continue to extend the life of the squeegee product. To specify this variation, the customer may simply add the code “-SE” to any existing T/A squeegee part number. There is no additional charge for this product enhancement.

EPP Europe 424
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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