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Robot-supported system for inspection of complex 3D objects

Robot-supported system for inspection of complex 3D objects

Robot-supported system for inspection of complex 3D objects
Viscom introduced its robot-supported inspection system S3012ROB. This robot allows for best quality assurance while inspecting complex 3D objects. A complete inspection of assembled or processed objects is a core part of the quality assurance process in modern industry. Metal processing usually requires a final inspection of various sawed, milled and drilled metal components. Therefore, the dimensional accuracy of the processed structures as well as their undamaged surface within the machining area have to be inspected. This concept proves to be the best possible solution to achieve this. The system is equipped with fixed cameras. The object to be inspected is moved by robots, allowing a six-side inspection. The sophisticated camera motion is also possible for specific applications. Further advantages are also the precise elaboration of various defect characteristics, combination of further processing steps such as marking the products evaluated as “good”, direct removal of faulty products out of the process as well as the possibility for post-classification.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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