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QFP Brings MCA Testing to a Real Manufacturing Scenario

QFP Brings MCA Testing to a Real Manufacturing Scenario

QFP Brings MCA Testing to a Real Manufacturing Scenario
Rather than using dummy components, the ability to use the live QFPs (Quad Flat Pack) bring Machine Capability Analysis (MCA) testing right up to the electronics manufacturer’s real-world manufacturing scenario. MCA testing is a third party, objective evaluation methodology in which spe- cial vision algorithms, highly accurate glass plates and components are util- ized for independent measurement of Cp and Cpk indices on production equipment. All brands and models of SMT printers, dispensers, placement, and semiconductor machines are easily validated with CeTaQ methodology. The goal is to verify that an assembly machine is performing to the manufacturer’s original specifications, and to make corrective adjustments to the machine if it is not.

In testing placement accuracy, for example, the actual fine pitch QFP components and various types of leaded devices used in product assembly can now be applied. The pick and place machine puts the components on the CeTaQ test fixture, a highly accurate glass plate marked with local reference points and fiducials. The components are analyzed against specification data from component data sheets.
Measurements and statistical data are collected for calculating Cp and Cpk indices on side overhang, toe overhang, and lead pitch for example. These results can be used to feedback quality of incoming component material to component suppliers. Software operates the measurement equipment and provides statistical specification-based results on machine quality performance. Comprehensive certification reports validate performance, which allows users to improve product quality and optimize performance for increased manufacturing profitability.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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