KIC’s new profiler kit comprises of the SlimKIC 2000, auto-focus oven recipe search engine, metal shield, higher temperature thermocouples (TCs) and aluminium tape. It enables manufacturers to set up and manage their lead-free thermal processes.
The metal thermal shield offers better thermal protection while keeping the slim physical dimension of the ‘cool touch’ shield. Some manufacturers process their parts in an inert atmosphere, requiring a tighter tunnel height. A low height thermal shield becomes imperative for such applications.
The company’s auto-focus acts as an “oven recipe search engine” and automatically recommends the appropriate oven recipe for any lead-free applications before even running a profile. It also enables quick oven setup and allows manufacturers to optimize their thermal process along three dimensions: center of the process window for the most stable process; fastest throughput and quickest oven changeover. The lead-free thermal process kit also includes a SlimKIC 2000 profiler with either 9 or 12 TC inputs, and can operate either in real-time or as a datalogger. Medium-temperature TCs rated to 400 °C as well as aluminium tape for easy TC attachment round off this specialty kit.
EPP Europe 419