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Powerful airduster

Powerful airduster

Powerful airduster
Electrolube has introduced a new addition to its established airduster range. The Eadpi is an invertible airduster suited to removing dust and airborne contamination from very delicate and inaccessible areas of electrical and electronic equipment. Producing a high pressure blast, it ensures that contamination is removed quickly and effortlessly. The airduster removes even the most stubborn particles from all electrical and electronic equipment. It is also particularly useful for very intricate equipment or items which can not be moved for cleaning or maintenance. The aerosol is comprised of pure, compressed, inert gas, and is also non-flammable, non-CFC and non-HCFC. The airduster range offers a simple and cost-effective solution for removing dust and dirt from the heads of disc drives, inaccessible assemblies, and photographic equipment for example, and will blast off water and other solvents after cleaning.

EPP Europe 422
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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