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Portable XRF analyzer for screening toys and electronic components

Portable XRF analyzer for screening toys and electronic components

The handheld Thermo Scientific Niton XLt 797 provides a fast, reliable and nondestructive means of screening toys, jewelry and electronic components for restricted substances such as lead. Using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique, the instruments are equipped with an integrated touch-screen display and easy-to-use, intuitive software, permitting rapid screening of incoming shipments as well as existing inventory, providing significant savings in both time and costs as compared to fixed laboratory analysis. Additionally, all readings are encrypted and locked against editing, preserving and protecting the data from each sample analysis, ensuring that results are not unintentionally or intentionally compromised.

A screening program using handheld XRF analysis reduces the chances that lead containing materials will enter the manufacturing process, or accidentally end up on store shelves. This starts with a process that includes rapid screening of metals, polymers and components at the receiving dock, in the warehouse, during product assembly and even at vendor sites, including testing through packaging to save time.
Operating as either a handheld tool or integrated into an optional test stand with included PC based software, the portable XRF analyzer provides quantitative analysis of lead, as well as additional toxic metals such as cadmium and mercury in as little as 15 seconds. Plastic toys, painted parts, plastic and metal jewelry, crystal and gemstone settings, and soldered chain links can be quickly screened to ensure they meet the 600 ppm limit for lead.
EPP Europe 452
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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