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PCI data acquisition board offered

PCI data acquisition board offered

With the DT-3034 Data Translation has offered a high-speed, accurate PCI multifunction board. It features 32 single-ended or 16 differential analog inputs with 16-bit A/D resolution and an overall sampling rate of up to 500 kHz. 100 % RoHS-compliant and designed for maximum accuracy, the board achieves an ENOB rating (Effective Number of Bits) of 14.2 bits with multi-channel operation at 1 kHz signal frequency and maximum sampling rate. The PCI board also provides two high-speed analog outputs (16-bit, 500 kHz) as well as 16 digital I/O channels and four counters/timers. It supports the synchronous acquisition of data from all inputs and outputs and thus allows reading analog and digital inputs simultaneously at full speed.

The OmniCD, which is included with the board, comprises the “DT-OpenLayers for .NET” class library.
EPP Europe 426
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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