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PCB Depanelling and Marking

PCB Depanelling and Marking

The new versatile machine concept for electronics components production, the product line Series 4646, makes no compromises in precision, productivity and user friendliness.

Taking into account the total cost of ownership, the implemented machine avoids long term amortization periods and capital lock-up. To reduce costs, increase ROI and improve competitiveness is what Series 4646 seeks to contribute to.
The focus on the highest rate of flexibility and productivity has led to machine configurations with combined tool-modules to cover all possible requirements in the OE or EMS sector.
The depanelling machines singulate pre-routed as well as pre-scored or non-preworked boards. The most positive effect of a combined marking device is the improvement of legibility by ink in case the color change in the solder resist effected by the CO2 laser source is not sufficient.
Series 4646 has an “easy-switch” shank/saw-tool spindle and is available through a qualified network of sales and service partners.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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