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Pb-free flip-chip assembly streamlined

Pb-free flip-chip assembly streamlined

The electronics group of Henkel has introduced a new process, termed Accelerated Cooling (AC), to be used in conjunction with the company’s two premiere, flip-chip in package non-conductive paste (NCP) underfill encapsulants. It’s NCP materials, Hysol FP5000 and Hysol FP5001, provide superior moisture resistance, excellent thermal cycling resistance, expedite the assembly process and are specifically designed for use with today’s lead-free interconnects. The materials provide an alternative to mechanical soldering by bonding bumps to the substrate through an innovative lead-free compatible thermal compression process, thus simplifying flip-chip assembly by eliminating the need for flux application, reflow and cleaning in most cases. Now, the effectiveness of these materials is further enhanced through the use of the company’s patent-pending AC flip-chip assembly process. The new technique is available just as packaging companies are beginning to migrate away from face-up, wire bonded applications to flip-chip processes in order to gain footprint and performance efficiencies. The AC process heats the device while it is secured by the flip-chip bonder head and then is cooled during compression onto the NCP-coated substrate, which enables assembly completion prior to any excess heat exposure and, consequently, reduces package warpage, voids caused by moisture and assembly cycle time.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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