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Opto-Bonder for the assembly of opto-electronic components and modules

Opto-Bonder for the assembly of opto-electronic components and modules

Opto-Bonder for the assembly of opto-electronic components and modules
The Opto-Bonder Femto from Finetech is the newest bonder in the award-winning Fineplacer family, capable of handling various assembly technologies, including power laser/laser bar bonding, flip chip and VCSEL bonding, MEMs and MOEMs, sensors and micro-optics, chip on glass, as well as simple die attach. The system marks a breakthrough by combining high accuracy (+/- 0.5 micron) and process flexibility in arguably the smallest footprint (1270 x 900 mm) for such sophisticated technologies. New features include a 25 percent larger table, motorized X, Y, Z and theta movements, maximum die size up to 4” diameter, and substrate size up to 6” diameter with automatic pattern recognition. Bonding processes are automatically controlled, requiring no operator intervention during the alignment and bonding procedure. The product is designed for both the production environment and process/product development.

SMT, hall 9, booth 337/ Nepcon UK, H20
EPP Europe 470
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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