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Odd form placement system

Odd form placement system

Odd form placement system
AOM-700 from Promation is a pick-and-place work cell for odd-form components. It will add value and increased quality to the production process versus hand placement of odd-form components. The system is capable of picking odd-form components, connectors or a variety of other parts from a tube- or bowl-style feeding system, and then places each component onto a PCB. The high precision robotic gantry system offers fully programmable X, Y & Z motion with in-line conveyor, positive PCB location/clamping, and programmable picking head selection.

The rotating head allows the user to select the gripper position that is to be used for the assembly process. The robotic grippers may be used separately, or allow the user to pick-and-place up to three different components during the same stop process. The work cell incorporates both second chance features and component reject cup (for suspect parts to be placed) to prevent false error.
EPP Europe 436
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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