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Micro dispensing of adhesive, underfill

Micro dispensing of adhesive, underfill

Micro dispensing of adhesive, underfill
The automated dispensing system Essemtec CDS6250 can dispense media with a viscosity between 50 and 200.000mPa with up to 150 drops/second (540.000 drops/hour). The Microjet valve produces small dots down to 2nl volume. The three-axis dispensing system can easily be programmed. Adhesives with and without filler, pastes, oils, lubricants, colors, lacquer, flux, solder resist or conformal coating are just some examples. Cost and time savings can be achieved in applications, where the substrate is curved or bent. Unlike other needle-based systems, the gap between jet valve and the substrate can vary: the dispenser can travel at a fixed height while the substrates height changes. Even very thin ropes can be dispensed by jetting one drop next to the other or by dispensing via a thin needle. The valve can dispense media under pressure (up to 100 bar) and at high temperatures (up to 100°C).

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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